Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Your Mother Mary Most Holy
Message of Our Lady Queen to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on August 23, 2023

Your Jesus is here with Me and with you, Pray My children that the times to come, will bring to your unbelieving brothers and sisters, some faith in Jesus and Mary.
I am with you but I cannot convert My children if, so many of you, do not help Me to heal many sick souls in the Spirit.
Pray that the coming days, along with the chastisements, will bring many conversions. The majority of My children, have lost their faith, but I want to convert all of you and bring you into eternal joy.
My children, believe in eternity and repent of all your sins, that the Eternal Father, may forgive all your sins.
I have been speaking to you from your earthly life for a long time already precisely to convert your souls from evil to eternal good.
I want all My children, to return to the Eternal Father and enjoy the good of Eternity. I, your Mother, come to earth to convert so many disobedient souls. My children, pray and fast, that all My children may return to the eternal joy of Paradise.
I bless you and thank you for your spiritual help. Be true children of God.
Your Mother Mary Most Holy.
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